I just want to know if there is ANY way i can reduce this crashing. They only care about money, but it isn't worth complaining about it because nobody listens anyway. This has happend over 300 times in the past year and half of the time i didn't even have SP installed (SP meaning Story Progression) Ea obviously doesn't care just like how the sims4 is still bigged and likely will stay that was after they abandon it eventually after sims5 comes. I have storyprogression on extreme settings like no limit on town population and pregnancies happen every day on the game. My pc costed a few thousand dollars and its relatively new so it's not the specs.
I don't remenber my specs but i know they are quite good.
But the crashing happens Allot like a few times a day. I have almost all Nraas mods installed including Overwatch,Errortrap Mastercontroller,SP etc.